Waxes for Candles

Work with one of the world's leading candle wax blenders
IGI candle waxes include a full line of innovative paraffin wax, vegetable wax, and hybrid wax formulations for jar filled and pillar/votive candles each tailored for the varying needs of a diverse customer base.

Waxes for use in candle formulations

IGI offers a full range of paraffin, microcrystalline, and petrolatum products for use as building blocks for customers that compound their own blends for use in manufacturing candles. Those customers find the consistency and repeatable performance a huge benefit to their finished candle performance.

Visit IGI at the upcoming National Candle Association (more information at: www.candles.org) convention in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, April 17th, 18th, and 19th! Our candle industry experts will be on hand to discuss your specific wax requirements.

Product CodeDescriptionApplications/Uses
2202A120 F (ASTM D87) scale waxBase wax for container candle formulations
2281A122 F (ASTM D87) scale waxBase wax for container candle formulations
1230A130 F (ASTM D87) melting point paraffin wax.Base wax for container, votive, and tart wax formulations.
1239A140 F (ASTM D87) melt point paraffin waxBase wax for votive, pillar, taper, and "cut and carve", and tart formulas
1297A150 F (ASTM D87) melt point paraffin waxBase wax for pillar, votive, taper, and "hurricane" formulas
5788A150 F (ASTM D938) melt point microcrystalline waxUse as an additive to increase fragrance retention and improve appearance in candle formulations
5715A175 F (ASTM D938) microcrystalline waxUse as an additive to increase fragrance retention and improve appearance in candle formulations
5909A195 F (ASTM D938) microcrystalline waxAdditive to harden pillar, votive, and other molded candles. Increases smoothness of candle surface. Increases candle resistance to heat and hot shipping conditions
386A140 F (ASTM D127) white petrolatumUse as a component of candle formulations to increase softness and improve fragrance retention and jar adhesion

Blends for container candles

Product CodeCandle AppearanceBlend ConsistencyDescription
PARAFFLEX 4630AOpaque/subtle colors can be achieved. Semi-gloss top finish.SoftEconomical single pour blend in containers up to 16 oz. Good adherence to container/jar wall can be achieved under optimal pour conditions. 8-10% fragrance loading and good hot/cold throw can be achieved.
PARAFFLEX 4786ASmooth, creamy, and opaque; able to achieve vibrant colors. Matte appearance.HardMultiple pour to achieve level surface. Good adherence to container wall can be obtained under optimal pour conditions. Suitable for hotter climates. Need to protect against temperature fluctuations during transport and storage. 5-8% fragrance loading and good hot/cold throw can be achieved. Works excellent for wax melts and tarts.
Mottling Blends IGI 1288BMottled appearanceHardMultiple pour to achieve level surface. Good adherence to container wall and maximum mottling can be obtained under optimal conditions. Need to protect against heat during transport and storage, as this may affect mottled appearance. 4-6% fragrance loading and good hot/cold throw can be achieved.
6006ASmooth, opaque finishsoftParaffin/vegetable blend. retains up to 10% fragrance. Good jar adhesion and 1 pour properties when poured under optimal conditions. Excellent cold/hot fragrance throw.

Specialty blends for other candle types

IGI offers specialty blends designed to offer the candle manufacturer a high performance product for particular types of candles, including:

  • Molded candles, such as pillar and votive
  • Wax melts, tarts, and “wax chips”
  • Palm wax products, which produce unique surface effects
  • Additional blends for container candles
  • Custom blends, designed for specific customer applications




The Right Wax for Your Candles

The candle industry is a diverse one. IGI serves customers in virtually every category from high-end pillars, container and custom shapes to utilitarian votives.

Make IGI Your Wax Partner

Looking for a wax supplier with real answers to all of your questions? Better color, scent-loads, burn times and more are all possible with the right wax. Talk to us about your candles and your market. There are truly endless possibilities.

Candle Smarts

The candle market is a consistent one that crosses socio-economic and cultural divides. Candles have style and are always changing due to the fashion and trends of the moment. IGI can help you with the latest in modern candle manufacturing.

Talk to an IGI Wax Expert

Call 1-800-561-3509

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